Adopted Sister Refuses to Babysit 'Golden Child's' Baby 😲 But There's More to the Story!

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Diply | Diply

Imagine being adopted into a loving family, only to have one sibling constantly remind you that you don't belong. That's the story of a 20-year-old woman who was adopted by her half-brother and his wife when she was 16. While the rest of the family welcomed her with open arms, one sibling, the so-called 'golden child,' made life difficult. Now, this same sibling is begging her to babysit his baby, but she's not having any of it! 😤 Read on to find out why...

The Adoption: A New Family 💕

pinkmonsterxa | pinkmonsterxa

The Golden Child: Meet Chad 😒

pinkmonsterxa | pinkmonsterxa

Chad's Insensitive Behavior 😠

pinkmonsterxa | pinkmonsterxa

Chad's Anger Issues and Privileges 🤯

pinkmonsterxa | pinkmonsterxa

Public Humiliation: Not His Sister 😢

pinkmonsterxa | pinkmonsterxa

Chad's Ongoing Cruelty 💔

pinkmonsterxa | pinkmonsterxa

Avoiding Chad: Family Pictures Only 📸

pinkmonsterxa | pinkmonsterxa

Mom's Reaction: Still Her Kid 😔

pinkmonsterxa | pinkmonsterxa

The Babysitting Request 🍼

pinkmonsterxa | pinkmonsterxa

The Clingy Baby and Insomniac Aunt 🌙

pinkmonsterxa | pinkmonsterxa

Why They Chose Her 🤔

pinkmonsterxa | pinkmonsterxa

Sister's Anger: Family Wants to See the Baby 👶

pinkmonsterxa | pinkmonsterxa

The Dilemma: To Babysit or Not? 🤷‍♀️

pinkmonsterxa | pinkmonsterxa

The Ultimate Decision: Family Loyalty vs. Self-Respect 🥊

So, our protagonist is faced with a tough decision: should she help her cruel half-brother by babysitting his clingy baby, or stand her ground and refuse? 😓 It's a classic tale of family loyalty vs. self-respect. But is she in the wrong for not wanting to be around the baby because of its father's hurtful words? 🤔 Let's see what the internet thinks of this sticky situation...

Charge hourly rates and decline job out of loyalty. NTA 😎

AttemptedAdult | AttemptedAdult

Stand your ground and charge absurd rate if you babysit! 💪💰

[deleted] | [deleted]

Adopted parents favored one child and ignored toxic behavior 😔

WhiskeyCheddar | WhiskeyCheddar

NTA. Family expects too much from a stranger. 😲

FitOrFat-1999 | FitOrFat-1999

Respectful NTA declines babysitting for entitled 'golden child' 🙏

StarfoxXSS | StarfoxXSS

Sibling rivalry and redemption: NTA for refusing babysitting favor 👍

FrozenEagles | FrozenEagles

NTA refuses to babysit 'golden child's' baby, commenters suggest setting boundaries.

PeteyPorkchops | PeteyPorkchops

No obligation to help those who treat you poorly 🙌

Global_Technology996 | Global_Technology996

🤔 Suspicious motives behind brother's request for babysitting favor.

Ancient_List | Ancient_List

Don't be a doormat! NTA stands up to entitled AH 😏

Acceptable-Read-5428 | Acceptable-Read-5428

Assertive response to entitled family members 😠

Quiet-Essay-9268 | Quiet-Essay-9268

Sibling abuse and favoritism. NTA for setting boundaries 👏

cattripper | cattripper

Don't be guilt-tripped into babysitting for free 🙅🏻

MissSuzieSunshine | MissSuzieSunshine

Don't let the 'golden child' guilt you into babysitting 🙌

tosser9212 | tosser9212

Family is a two-way street 👭👥 NTA stands firm

GothPenguin | GothPenguin

NTA calmly explains traumatic past and sets boundaries with family 👏

Deb_33 | Deb_33

Don't be obligated to help an a**hole 👎

murphy2345678 | murphy2345678

Mom's involvement suspected in babysitting dispute 🤔

y3s1canr3ad | y3s1canr3ad

NTA for setting boundaries with entitled family members 🙌

tkdwarriorprincess | tkdwarriorprincess

Setting boundaries with entitled family members. NTA 👍

PairFriendly877 | PairFriendly877

NTA: You don't owe him anything after years of mistreatment 👍

RedRose_812 | RedRose_812

Stand your ground and cut out entitled family members 👊

ChihuahuaMafia | ChihuahuaMafia

Public humiliation adds context to NTA response 👍

Intelligent_Stop5564 | Intelligent_Stop5564

Polite response to entitled request. NTA 👍

OneRespect11 | OneRespect11

Don't owe him a thing! 👍 Life doesn't work that way.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenter questions the brother's motives for asking her to babysit 🤔

FiSouthpaw | FiSouthpaw

Commenter defends OP's claim of being treated differently by family. 🙅‍♀️

GodzillaAteMyTaco | GodzillaAteMyTaco

Chad's ulterior motives exposed, NTA stands their ground 😎

tramc31 | tramc31

Don't be a doormat for entitled family members! 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA but open to mend relationship with brother and nephew 🙏

tinaciv | tinaciv

NTA and a witty reminder that she's still family 😎

sparkly_wolf | sparkly_wolf

NTA stands up to entitled 'golden child' sibling 👏

Unhappysong-6653 | Unhappysong-6653

NTA stands up to entitled family expectations 💪

majere616 | majere616

Brother disowns sister, can't expect her to babysit 🙌

ButterscotchOk7516 | ButterscotchOk7516

Commenter shares their difficult upbringing and questions the safety of the adopted siblings' home 🏠

HannahAnthonia | HannahAnthonia

Commenter calls out family's selfishness and supports OP. 👏

Chemical_Relation008 | Chemical_Relation008

Refusing to babysit for entitled family member. NTA, protect yourself! 🙏

Sel-Reddit | Sel-Reddit

Commenter advises against babysitting due to potential mistreatment and abuse 😕

Neither-Entrance-208 | Neither-Entrance-208

Commenter gives judgment and leaves us curious about context.

Jaded-Permission-324 | Jaded-Permission-324

Golden boy gets what he deserves! NTA wins!

Prestigious_Isopod72 | Prestigious_Isopod72

No obligation to babysit the 'golden child's' brat. NTA 👍

CJCreggsGoldfish | CJCreggsGoldfish

Choosing family over strangers. NTA wins the babysitting debate. 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Stand your ground, OP! 💪🏻 You don't owe Chad anything.

[deleted] | [deleted]

You don't owe your time to someone who disowns you. 👍

WriteUrOwnEnding | WriteUrOwnEnding

Sibling refuses to babysit entitled brother's child. No family discount! 😈

RagedTech99 | RagedTech99

Sassy NTA commenter won't babysit 'golden child's' baby for free 😎

sailorandromeda | sailorandromeda

NTA, being brought in as a sister didn't help his brattiness 🤬

[deleted] | [deleted]

Boundaries set with family. No babysitting for 'golden child'.

Trina608 | Trina608

NTA stands up for boundaries with adopted family 👏

No-System-3032 | No-System-3032

Family drama: NTA refuses to babysit 'golden child's' baby 😕

SnooWords4839 | SnooWords4839

Stand your ground and charge them for babysitting 👍

coyotecantspell | coyotecantspell

Savage response to entitled 'golden child' brother 😎

Prestigious-Name-323 | Prestigious-Name-323

Commenter questions unconventional family labels 🤔

Codename-Gizmo | Codename-Gizmo

Mystery of Chad's identity deepens in NTA comment section 🤔

Direct-Plum-3558 | Direct-Plum-3558

Chad disowns sister, begs for babysitting. NTA says no. 😍

Tiny_Willingness_686 | Tiny_Willingness_686

Standing up for oneself. No obligation to babysit. 👍

Quix66 | Quix66

Adoptee calls out family favoritism and unacceptable behavior 😱

tahtahme | tahtahme

Sibling rivalry over first grandchild sparks heated comment thread 🤬

QueenCleopatra1 | QueenCleopatra1

NTA but maybe he's trying to patch things up 🤔

bitinmytongue | bitinmytongue

NTA. The commenter shares their own experience and suggests fair payment.

gwetherwaxx | gwetherwaxx

Learn to Medium Chill and drop the rope. Don't acquiesce.

jackieatx | jackieatx

Commenter advises OP to be cautious of 'Golden Child' brother 👀

donuthole_seven | donuthole_seven

The mystery of the update has been solved 👍

slicedchicken480 | slicedchicken480

Commenter supports OP's actions, curious about additional context.

West-Ad-7229 | West-Ad-7229

NTA comment receives no replies 🤷‍♀️

GoodRiver9770 | GoodRiver9770

Not the a**hole - but what's the backstory? 🤔

Total-Hour-4445 | Total-Hour-4445

NTA stands up for herself and prioritizes her own well-being 👏

TechnicalConclusion6 | TechnicalConclusion6

Satisfying revenge on entitled 'golden child' sibling 👌

VintageSed | VintageSed

NTA suggests a power dynamic. Who should apologize first? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Why would Chad and Mrs. Chad force an unwilling babysitter? 🤔

Lucia37 | Lucia37

Family or not, favors go both ways 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cut ties and move on: NTA comment suggests drastic solution.

Wendell-at2020 | Wendell-at2020

Paid babysitting or no babysitting at all. Money talks 💰

SmadaSlaguod | SmadaSlaguod

Family doesn't mean being taken advantage of. NTA 👍

swedeintheus | swedeintheus

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