Brother's GF Accused of Snatching Snacks: Who's the Real Cookie Monster? 🍪😱

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Diply | Diply

Living with family can be a blessing and a curse, especially when it comes to sharing living expenses and personal belongings. But what happens when a tight budget, a sibling's girlfriend, and a cookie-loving kid collide? 🍪💥 A 22-year-old woman shares her frustration after discovering her snack stash is being raided by her brother's girlfriend's child. With a tight budget and a need for her late-night treats, she confronts the duo, only to be accused of selfishness. 🤔 Let's dive into the drama and see if we can get to the bottom of this cookie conundrum.

The Living Arrangement 🏠

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Enter the Girlfriend and Her Kid 👩👧

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The Cookie Dilemma 🍪

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The Disappearing Snacks 🕵️‍♀️

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The Cookie Culprit Revealed 😲

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Confrontation Time 🗣️

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Tight Budget and Appreciation 🙏

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Planning a Sit-Down Talk 🗨️

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Mom's Support and Medical Condition 🚑

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Brotherly Love and Responsibility 💕

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The 50/50 Split and Chores 🧹

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Ants, Books, and Cookie Jars 🐜📚

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Grocery Shopping and Vaccination 💉

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Gratitude for Advice and Concern 🙌

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Cookie Chaos: Is She Justified or Just Selfish? 🍪🤷‍♀️

Caught in a whirlwind of sibling drama, our cookie-loving protagonist is left wondering if she's in the wrong for wanting to protect her snack stash. With a tight budget and a need for her late-night treats, she's willing to share but expects some courtesy in return. As she gears up for a sit-down talk with her brother and his girlfriend, we can't help but wonder: is she justified in her frustration, or is she just being selfish? Let's see what the internet thinks of this situation... 🍪🔍

NTA: Brother's girlfriend added a third tenant without consent, unfair expenses split.

boglyric | boglyric

Setting boundaries with brother's GF over food and household contributions. 💪

28Improved | 28Improved

GF takes OP's cookies for her kid without asking, calls OP selfish 😱

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sharing is caring, but not without asking first. 🙅

nerdiesthomemaker82 | nerdiesthomemaker82

GF not paying bills but has extra roommate, steals OP's food 🍪

TheGingerCynic | TheGingerCynic

Protect your cookies from the thieving girlfriend 😜

DannyBigD | DannyBigD

Sibling's GF takes snacks, but who's the real cookie monster? 😱🍪

mademoiselletal | mademoiselletal

Unfair living situation with entitled brother's girlfriend and child 😡

benitajanfruit | benitajanfruit

Sibling's partner accused of stealing cookies. NTA sister agrees.

finehamsabound | finehamsabound

Stand your ground and don't let the guilt-tripping a**hole win 💪

wontcontribute | wontcontribute

NTA comment blames bad parenting for snack theft. 👏

AntipodeanRabbit | AntipodeanRabbit

Commenter advises to stop paying for girlfriend and her kid 👍

UnicornCackle | UnicornCackle

Cookie thief gets called out, commenter defends their snacks 🍪

MoodySpidey | MoodySpidey

Set boundaries, get a lock 🔒 NTA for not sharing.

Swiss_El_Rosso | Swiss_El_Rosso

NTA for wanting snacks to yourself. Get a plastic bin 🚴️

Charlie_Parkers_Mood | Charlie_Parkers_Mood

Basic etiquette: Asking for permission when taking what is not yours. 👍

denasher | denasher

Setting boundaries over snacks? NTA, they have some nerve 😠

burner7651 | burner7651

Commenter suggests relationship benefits for feeding brother's girlfriend's kid.

slendermanismydad | slendermanismydad

NTA suggests getting a lock box for snacks and budget re-access.

Sundaetardis | Sundaetardis

Fair points made about unequal cost sharing and interloper's behavior.

gofyourselftoo | gofyourselftoo

Lock up your snacks and stand up for yourself 💪

kdkincaid | kdkincaid

Food thief gets called out, justice served with NTA ruling 💯

howdoesrwork | howdoesrwork

Protect your cookies! NTA suggests lock box and reimbursement. 😍

Lizardgirl25 | Lizardgirl25

Asserting snack ownership: NTA's right to be respected 🍪

Dramatic-Rip5605 | Dramatic-Rip5605

GF accused of snack theft, commenter suggests moving out. NTA.

v2den | v2den

Fair solution or time to find a new place? 🤔

Avijel | Avijel

Protect your snacks with a food safe! 🛃

Terradactyl87 | Terradactyl87

Fairness in sharing living costs and snacks. 😍

Oscars_Grouch | Oscars_Grouch

Living with entitled mother and weird couple-roommates, NTA but relocate. 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Roommate drama: time to move out? 😐

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA for setting boundaries on shared snacks due to budget constraints 👍. Suggests discussing financial situation with brother and planning ahead 👥.

4U2NV1981 | 4U2NV1981

Tips for snack storage and fair rent distribution. 👍

BG_1952 | BG_1952

Sibling food feud: NTA suggests taking revenge on food thief. 😏

killerqueen2004 | killerqueen2004

Mom should buy cookies for her child. NTA.

Psychological_Sail80 | Psychological_Sail80

Don't be the cookie monster for your brother's GF and kid 🍪

LightRainPeaches | LightRainPeaches

Protect your snacks and sanity with a plastic tub. NTA.

ImFinePleaseThanks | ImFinePleaseThanks

Protect your snacks and the environment with plastic bags and eco-friendly pesticides. NTA.

Lea_R_ning | Lea_R_ning

Commenter defends OP's actions in snack dispute. 💪

UsernameAgain73 | UsernameAgain73

Fair cost arrangement and basic roommate etiquette. 👍

srslyeffedmind | srslyeffedmind

Prevent ants with a rubbermaid container. Brother should pay more.

ADHDLifer | ADHDLifer

Protect your snacks and your sanity with an airtight box 😎

VitalityVixen | VitalityVixen

Brother's girlfriend and brother are entitled, NTA commenter suggests solutions.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Establish boundaries and financial responsibilities with brother's girlfriend. 👍

New_Cryptographer721 | New_Cryptographer721

Boundaries crossed? Roommate drama over snacks 🍪

minamari420 | minamari420

NTA stands up to financial abuse with hilarious ultimatum 💰

OneJobToRuleThemAll | OneJobToRuleThemAll

Setting boundaries with family over cookies 🍪

sw33tlips | sw33tlips

NTA. Roommate's GF not paying rent, move out for peace 🙌

Fickle-Willow4836 | Fickle-Willow4836

Fair share or mooching? Engaging debate on sharing expenses. 💰

Flipnsip | Flipnsip

Roommate's GF eats food, doesn't pay bills. NTA suggests solutions. 😍

DubiousPeoplePleaser | DubiousPeoplePleaser

GF accused of snack theft, commenters suggest she pay bills. 🙅

Chaos_Depression | Chaos_Depression

Unfair rent split, food theft, and entitlement issues. NTA.

CremeDeMarron | CremeDeMarron

Sharing isn't stealing. NTA sets boundaries for GF's snack habits. 😍

HunterBjork | HunterBjork

NTA saves money for cookies by not letting GF live rent-free 😋🍪

JustMMlurkingMM | JustMMlurkingMM

Secure your snacks with an alarm or lockbox. Genius idea! 😎

Glittering-Ruin-1296 | Glittering-Ruin-1296

Setting boundaries with a snack-stealing GF 😏

Unsolicitedadvice13 | Unsolicitedadvice13

Sibling's girlfriend accused of snatching snacks, but who's at fault?

noddyneddy | noddyneddy

Fair split of expenses, but snacks need permission 😏

turbulentsky538 | turbulentsky538

Food budget feud: Brother's GF accused of being cookie monster 🍪

Suonii180 | Suonii180

Stand your ground and make them buy their own cookies! 🍪

GlitteringPaint899 | GlitteringPaint899

NTA stands up for themselves and calls out brother's entitlement 😎

FairyFartDaydreams | FairyFartDaydreams

Brother's GF can't afford snacks, but why can't he? NTA

waitwhat2604 | waitwhat2604

Respect for personal property is important, even with guests 👍

jcaashby | jcaashby

Brother's GF accused of snack theft, commenter calls out exploitation. 👏

Frozen_Twinkies | Frozen_Twinkies

Secure your cookies and your rent, NTA. 🍪👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Lock up your snacks and avoid unnecessary drama 😉

dnbest91 | dnbest91

Set boundaries and stand up for yourself. NTA 👏

AmbigousRussianSpy | AmbigousRussianSpy

Being a considerate step-parent: NTA wins the cookie battle 🍪

tejana948 | tejana948

Set boundaries politely and suggest a compromise. 👍

noccie | noccie

Polite reminder to ask before snacking. NTA.

skulldir | skulldir

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