Neighbor Complains About Noise After I've Been Considerate, AITA?

Michele Lang
angry neighbor
Unsplash | Julien L

Living next to a neighbor who complains about noise can be a nightmare, but what if you've already made an effort to be considerate? In this AITA post, a Redditor shares their frustration with a neighbor who keeps complaining about noise despite already soundproofing their rumpus room and making other concessions. But is the Redditor really in the wrong? Find out in this intriguing post.

Quiet garage beeps disturb neighbor's baby, AITA?

melodicstrategy1569 | melodicstrategy1569

Neighbors with babies can still be a**holes 🙉

melodicstrategy1569 | melodicstrategy1569

Refusing to accommodate a neighbor's request for safety concerns 🚗

melodicstrategy1569 | melodicstrategy1569

Protecting my car from thieves, even if it annoys neighbors.

melodicstrategy1569 | melodicstrategy1569

Neighbor complains about noise after being considerate, but hypocritical?

melodicstrategy1569 | melodicstrategy1569

Blocked driveway leads to noisy neighbor dispute, any judgement?

melodicstrategy1569 | melodicstrategy1569

Rocking out in peace 🎶🥁🤘🏼

melodicstrategy1569 | melodicstrategy1569

Neighbor complains about noise, but I've been considerate. AITA?

melodicstrategy1569 | melodicstrategy1569

OP stands up for themselves against entitled neighbor, NTA 🎵🙉

melodicstrategy1569 | melodicstrategy1569

Being considerate to my neighbor's noise complaint, but AITA?

Living in close proximity to neighbors can be tricky, especially when you have different schedules and lifestyles. In this situation, a Reddit user shares their frustration with their neighbor who complains about noise despite the user's efforts to be considerate. The user has soundproofed their rumpus room, stopped playing drums after 6pm, and declined hosting friends in the backyard due to noise concerns. However, their neighbor still approached them about the beeping sound of the garage door and asked them to put their car away in the morning instead of late at night. The user declined as they have had break-ins on their street and their car is an enthusiast's vehicle. The situation escalated when the neighbor's car blocked the user's driveway, and the user had it towed. Recently, the neighbor complained about the minimal vibration from the user's drums during lunchtime. Despite the user's efforts to be considerate, the neighbor's complaints persist. But are they in the wrong? Let's find out in the comments and reactions section.

NTA. Neighbors need to adjust, not impose on you. 🙄

4614065 | 4614065

Neighbor fixated on noise due to sleep deprivation, NTA.

canvasshoes2 | canvasshoes2

Parking in own garage reasonable, neighbor's blocking driveway not.

foxyshamwow_ | foxyshamwow_

Neighbors complain about baby's sleep, but OP is NTA.

nrh46 | nrh46

Teaching newborns to sleep through noise: NTA, some babies can't.

AirBig6368 | AirBig6368

Don't let Karen dampen your considerate spirit 🌟, NTA

shitshiner69 | shitshiner69

Advice for dealing with unreasonable neighbor and new parent.

ProgrammerBig6254 | ProgrammerBig6254

Normal garage door noise and sound-dampened drumming, NTA. 🥁

dr-sparkle | dr-sparkle

Useful tip on managing newborn noise without disturbing neighbors! 🤫

shzan1 | shzan1

OP is NTA for being considerate but not changing their schedule

KiwiAlexP | KiwiAlexP

Neighbors expect silence with shared walls? 🙄 NTA for noise.

laude_nam | laude_nam

Unapologetic NTA shuts down entitled neighbor, 🤷‍♀️

blaircwaldorfbass | blaircwaldorfbass

After accommodating her, OP is NTA for noise complaint. Replies discuss after-market exhaust systems and whether they're for performance or just to be an a-hole 🚗👂

badger-ball-champion | badger-ball-champion

NTA. Supportive comments from frustrated OP and others. 🤬

[deleted] | [deleted]

Soothing solutions for noisy neighbors 🎶😴

Cesariam | Cesariam

Be kind to your neighbor, you never know what they're facing ❤️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't silence the world for your baby, NTA! 🌎👶

Ok_Point7463 | Ok_Point7463

Being considerate doesn't always guarantee peace 🤷‍♀️

jld702 | jld702

Being a considerate neighbor pays off, NTA 😎

blah618 | blah618

Neighbor complains about noise, but it's not your problem. 🤷‍♂️

jstonesworld | jstonesworld

New parents create unrealistic expectations for silence, NTA.

This_Grab_452 | This_Grab_452

👏 Don't set your kid up for failure by expecting complete silence.

Embarrassed_Hat_2904 | Embarrassed_Hat_2904

Being considerate doesn't mean giving up your own space 😊

CoderJoe1 | CoderJoe1

Don't let your neighbor's baby ruin your peace. 🙉

mrsc1880 | mrsc1880

Neighbor complains about noise, but OP is NTA 🙌

FrederickChase | FrederickChase

Keeping the peace in communal living, NTA 👍

ConfusedArtist89 | ConfusedArtist89

Don't let noisy neighbors bring you down! 🙅‍♂️🔊

quasithroatable69 | quasithroatable69

Neighbor blocks driveway, NTA stands up for themselves 🚫🚗

Cat-catt | Cat-catt

Neighbor complains about noise, commenter calls out entitled parents. 💥

seniairam | seniairam

Don't let entitled neighbors ruin your peace 🙌

Mindless-Function-30 | Mindless-Function-30

Being considerate but loud? NTA, baby sleeps through anything 😴

FlakeyGurl | FlakeyGurl

Be a friendly neighbor! 🏡👋 Bring them drinks and chat 🍹

[deleted] | [deleted]

Neighbor demands too much, NTA for standing up.

AbbreviationsFar7867 | AbbreviationsFar7867

Solid advice for coping with noisy neighbors and getting sleep 💤

wildferalfun | wildferalfun

Considerate neighbor receives praise for being NTA 👍

Stargazer-2893 | Stargazer-2893

Polite neighbor deals with noisy parents, keep towing their car 😉

PipeInevitable9383 | PipeInevitable9383

Be considerate, but don't let others control your life 🙉

Ok_Pay5513 | Ok_Pay5513

Normalize noise for baby's sleep, NTA 🐣💤

maantre | maantre

Sleep training a baby means training them to sleep through noise 🎶

ohemgee112 | ohemgee112

Solving noise problems with a sound machine 🎧

000thr0w4w4y000 | 000thr0w4w4y000

Don't lose sleep over unreasonable neighbours 😴🙄

Oscars_Grouch | Oscars_Grouch

Being considerate neighbor but still dealing with noise. NTA 👏

Electronic-Cat-4478 | Electronic-Cat-4478

Considerate neighbor puts foot down, NTA 🤝👍

TrelanaSakuyo | TrelanaSakuyo

Don't let your neighbor's baby stop you from living your life 🎉

Status-Pattern7539 | Status-Pattern7539

Don't walk on eggshells, NTA! 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️

BallPit1p | BallPit1p

Let the baby adapt to noise 🤫, not the other way around.

sanguineophanim | sanguineophanim

Neighbor blocks garage, OP gets car towed. Justice served 🚗💥

Jaded_Ad2629 | Jaded_Ad2629

A considerate neighbor shares a fun fact about babies' routines 🍼

DrunkOnRedCordial | DrunkOnRedCordial

Asserting garage rights and infant noise, NTA 🚗👶

NotoriousJAM | NotoriousJAM

Commenter relates to OP but adds a creepy twist 👀

texttxttxttxttext | texttxttxttxttext

Garage noise vs. newborn cries, who wins? 🤔

Ohmannothankyou | Ohmannothankyou

Sympathizing with a noisy neighbor, 🤔👂👥

Neither_Lawfulness79 | Neither_Lawfulness79

Car owner with loud exhaust called out for being TA 🚗🔊

StAlvis | StAlvis

Being considerate doesn't mean tolerating unreasonable noise levels 🤫

[deleted] | [deleted]

The real question is, who's the real a**hole here? 🤔

sjj5124 | sjj5124

Live your life, let them soundproof their home 🎶👍

International_Win375 | International_Win375

Play those drums til 10pm 🎶🥁 - NTA

xxclownkill3rxx | xxclownkill3rxx

Being considerate but still getting complaints? NTA 👍🏼

cupcakeofdoomie | cupcakeofdoomie

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