Wife Refuses to Go Home Until House is Cleaned

Michele Lang
dirty pans
Unsplash | Nathan Dumlao

A woman left her husband after returning home from a trip to find her house in a terrible state. Despite leaving the place spotless and leaving her husband with only a few tasks to do, he didn't do anything while she was away. Upon discovering the mess, she packed her things and left for a hotel, refusing to return until the house was back to the state she left it in. But her husband isn't taking it well and thinks she's the one at fault. Do you think she's in the wrong for leaving? Share your thoughts!

Feeling overwhelmed with housework, seeking advice and support ❤️

limp-cryptographer26 | limp-cryptographer26

Husband's cleaning skills put to the test while wife's away

limp-cryptographer26 | limp-cryptographer26

Parents take turns visiting, but this year it's complicated 💼

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Wife leaves husband with freezer meals, doubts his cooking skills 🍴

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Partner shares small burden, wife refuses to leave without cleanliness

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Home sweet mess? A post-vacation cleaning disaster 😬

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Disaster at home, wife demands cleaning before returning home 🏡

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Fed up wife checks into hotel until house is cleaned 💁‍♀️

limp-cryptographer26 | limp-cryptographer26

Couple fights over cleaning responsibilities, who's in the right? 🤔

limp-cryptographer26 | limp-cryptographer26

Are they the a**hole? Let's find out!

limp-cryptographer26 | limp-cryptographer26

Wife refuses to go home after husband fails to clean

A wife left her husband at home while she and their child went to camp. She had cleaned the house and prepared freezer meals for him before leaving. When she returned, she found the house in a total mess. Her husband had done nothing while she was away, and the garden had not been watered, and the package she wanted to be sent out was still on the kitchen counter. Angry at her husband's behavior, she and her child checked into a hotel, refusing to go back home until the house was back to how she left it. Her husband complained, saying that it wasn't that bad and that they had to split the cleaning. This led to a heated argument, and now she's asking whether she was wrong not to do her half of the chores when she got back. Who's right in this situation? Read on for comments and reactions.

Lazy husband makes a mess, expects wife to clean it 🙄 NTA

BazTheBaptist | BazTheBaptist

Partner's entitlement issues and weaponized incompetence. NTA.

Kylie754 | Kylie754

Debating whether husband does 50% of chores. 🤔

cinnamngrl | cinnamngrl

Husband's weaponized incompetence leads to dirty house and guilt-tripping wife.

beatricefox_ | beatricefox_

Hilarious exchange on a husband's refusal to clean the house. 😂

Strong_Weakness2638 | Strong_Weakness2638

Stand your ground! 💪🧹 Hiring a cleaner could be a solution.

TheObvi0us13 | TheObvi0us13

NTA for wanting husband to clean up after himself 🧹

_neontangles | _neontangles

Neglected plants spark more outrage than filthy house. 🌱💀

mrsabf | mrsabf

NTA! Partner should have maintained the cleanliness level left. 🧹

ctortan | ctortan

Partner's intentional mess forces a stand-off. 🧹

Derp_Nuggetz | Derp_Nuggetz

Weaponized incompetence? Sounds like it 👀

tachoue2004 | tachoue2004

Partner slacks off on chores, you're not the a**hole for leaving.

Forward_Squirrel8879 | Forward_Squirrel8879

Low bar for men 👀 NTA - Married a child 👨‍👩‍👧

lipsticksheep | lipsticksheep

Teens can clean, why can't your husband? 🤔

anita-dangelo | anita-dangelo

Parenting burn! 😂 NTA confirmed.

essssgeeee | essssgeeee

Partner's messy behavior causes tension in the household. NTA response.

rayraywest0 | rayraywest0

Commenter suggests husband's lack of care for wife's feelings.

2ndcupofcoffee | 2ndcupofcoffee

Partner's failed tasks lead to wife refusing to go home 😤

ThrillaTortilla | ThrillaTortilla

Why put up with a bad housemate, even if they're your SO? 🤔

bridge_likes_fridge | bridge_likes_fridge

NTA with ADHD struggles to maintain a clean home, husband needs help 🧹

Alps_Awkward | Alps_Awkward

Cleaning up after yourself shouldn't be a chore 💪

Desperate_Map8409 | Desperate_Map8409

NTA, husband's mess a HUGE red flag 🚨

Turtle-testicles | Turtle-testicles

Marriage advice: husband needs to grow up and take responsibility 🤔

Remarkable-Cat-3668 | Remarkable-Cat-3668

Cleaning the house should be an easy fix. #NTA 🧹

Own-Blackberry2647 | Own-Blackberry2647

Cleaning half the house and making food, still the a**hole?

UnluckyHero13 | UnluckyHero13

Don't let him off the hook! 🚫🪝🧹

DarkMistressCockHold | DarkMistressCockHold

Solo mess-maker earns NTA judgement 👍

MellRox013 | MellRox013

Fair division of child care responsibilities. 🧹

NowWithMoreChocolate | NowWithMoreChocolate

Husband's apology falls short after disrespecting wife's efforts 🤦‍♂️

ScreamingSicada | ScreamingSicada

Messy spouse gets what they deserve. You go, NTA! 🙌

Crimson_queen911 | Crimson_queen911

Commenter supports OP and calls out husband's behavior 💪

Unlucky_Isopod5177 | Unlucky_Isopod5177

Parental involvement in scouts is a must! 🙌

No-Swimming-3599 | No-Swimming-3599

Husband's laziness leaves wife no choice but to hotel stay 😴

Rural_Bedbug | Rural_Bedbug

NTA wins for weaponized incompetence 🏆👏

JazzyPhotoMac | JazzyPhotoMac

Commenter supports wife's decision to refuse cleaning, calls out partner's manipulative behavior. 💪

fading_shulammite | fading_shulammite

Empowered woman sets standards for equal and respectful treatment 👏💪

SilverPlantains | SilverPlantains

Solo human's mess leads to refusal to go home. #NotTheAHole 🧹

ArtemisStrange | ArtemisStrange

Partner slacks off on chores, NTA for refusing to clean.

didicaripilica | didicaripilica

Partner's laziness leaves wife with a dirty house and dying garden 😒 NTA

Ladyughsalot1 | Ladyughsalot1

NTA, but hotel living may be the solution 🏨

TheRealSkeeter | TheRealSkeeter

👏 Stand your ground and show him who's boss. #NTA

ChinSpin_1986 | ChinSpin_1986

Taking a stand for respect and equality 🙌

greysea21 | greysea21

Spouse expects wife to clean? Not cool! 🚫🧹

youaskedfurret | youaskedfurret

Fair point, but will it lead to a clean resolution? 🤔

p_iynx | p_iynx

NTA, partner's already done their half. 🧹👍

ovariohisterectomy | ovariohisterectomy

Fair is fair. Let him clean his own mess 🧹

Strange_Difficulty41 | Strange_Difficulty41

Partner's lack of cleanliness causes marital dispute. NTA wins.

freyjacalls | freyjacalls

Supportive comment calls out husband's cleaning duties, NTA verdict.

dmbfan1216 | dmbfan1216

Messy house while alone with no kids? YTA, clean up 🧹

Errvalunia | Errvalunia

Agree! 🙌 Taking responsibility for one's actions is important.

check_out_channel_9 | check_out_channel_9

Fair division of chores, but what if one's away? 🤔 NTA

AssuringYouImOpen | AssuringYouImOpen

Stand your ground! 🤜💥 He needs to take responsibility. 🙄

Helen_Magnus_ | Helen_Magnus_

Partner refuses to clean their own mess? Stick to your guns! 💪

thrwwydfg | thrwwydfg

Not the a**hole for not wanting to go home 🏡💦

love_laugh_dance | love_laugh_dance

Equal housework is key 👨‍🍳👬

donttouchmeah | donttouchmeah

Unexpected twist in NTA comment about messy house situation 😂

Futurenazgul | Futurenazgul

Gender roles in cooking discussed with some sympathy for husband.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment receives agreement. You go, OP! 🙌

Sufficient-Fun-1619 | Sufficient-Fun-1619

Clean house, happy spouse. 🧹✨

Psyblade0_0 | Psyblade0_0

Marriage troubles? Keep calm and clean up 🧹👩‍❤️‍👨

Phobos15 | Phobos15

Stand your ground! Let the mess stay and assert yourself 💪

banana_Guard0 | banana_Guard0

Partner should have helped clean. NTA for wanting cleanliness.

EvaMohn1377 | EvaMohn1377

NTA! Fairness in chores is key to a happy home 🧹💪

LividLavishness5468 | LividLavishness5468

Partner's laziness called out with humor. 😂 NTA.

reentername | reentername

Husband neglects chores, demands wife to do 50% after neglecting garden 🌻

Dance_Sneaker | Dance_Sneaker

Taking a stand for self-care 🙌 NTA!

pugladychar | pugladychar

Commenter accuses spouse of weaponized incompetence. 💥

Cpt_Lazlo | Cpt_Lazlo

Partner acts like a child, deserves a time-out. Don't forget garden 🌻

windowpainer | windowpainer

Sticking up for yourself: a hero move. 👍 #NTA

CorcaighCailin | CorcaighCailin

Commenter jokes that husband acts like a teenager 🙄

dakennyj | dakennyj

Fair share of chores? Not when he made the mess! 🧹

CocoButtsGoNuts | CocoButtsGoNuts

Partner fails to clean house despite knowing return date. NTA.

JazzyGalMoira | JazzyGalMoira