Sister Copies Me to Extreme, I Told Her She Will Never Be Me

Michele Lang
Unsplash | Roberto Nickson

Sibling rivalry can get out of hand, but what happens when it turns into identity theft? A woman's sister has been using her name, pictures and even her most traumatic experience on social media. When confronted, the sister refused to take down the posts and claimed it was just for fun. The situation escalated when the sister's biological father got involved and accused the family of bullying his daughter. Was the woman too harsh in telling her sister she will never be her? Or is the sister in the wrong for stealing her identity and traumatic experience? Join the discussion on AITA.

Sibling rivalry taken to extreme - coping with copycat sister.

glittering_guess_335 | glittering_guess_335

Sister's extreme copycat behavior drove us apart in adolescence 😕

glittering_guess_335 | glittering_guess_335

Sister takes 'copycat' to the extreme. The consequences are dire.

glittering_guess_335 | glittering_guess_335

Sister's reunion with bio dad: A happy ending or a threat?

glittering_guess_335 | glittering_guess_335

When imitation goes too far...Sibling rivalry taken too seriously? 🤔

glittering_guess_335 | glittering_guess_335

When imitation goes too far, identity theft and betrayal hurts.

glittering_guess_335 | glittering_guess_335

Confronting sister for copying me on social media 😠

glittering_guess_335 | glittering_guess_335

Sibling rivalry taken to the extreme - identity theft or flattery?

glittering_guess_335 | glittering_guess_335

Sibling rivalry escalates to extreme. Confrontation leads to isolation.

glittering_guess_335 | glittering_guess_335

Sibling rivalry gone too far or justified? Share thoughts 😕

glittering_guess_335 | glittering_guess_335

Mental health stigma in our country and its consequences explained

glittering_guess_335 | glittering_guess_335

When sister goes too far: identity theft and trauma

Sibling rivalry can be intense, but what happens when it turns into identity theft and emotional trauma? One Reddit user shares a story about how her sister took copying her to a whole new level, from using her name to catfishing guys using her picture. But the worst was yet to come when the sister shared the poster's most traumatic experience on Instagram, but twisted the story to make it her own. After confronting her sister about it, the poster was left wondering if she handled the situation poorly, as her sister has locked herself in her room and their dad is supportive, but their mum and sister's bio dad are not. Join the debate on whether or not the poster was in the wrong in demanding her sister take down the post, and the broader issue of identity theft and mental health.

Report sister's fake posts and account, freeze credit, stay safe 🚫❌

babyruthless24 | babyruthless24

Sister's identity theft might be a result of untreated trauma 😔

BritishHobo | BritishHobo

Sisterly obsession or harmless imitation? Therapy may be needed 💆‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Concerns raised about sister's behavior, possible need for therapy. 🤔

Lia_Delphine | Lia_Delphine

Encouraging intervention and therapy for sister's unhealthy behavior 😔💆‍♀️

ColdstreamCapple | ColdstreamCapple

Dealing with a sister who copies to the extreme. NTA.

Throwaway-2587 | Throwaway-2587

Protecting your identity is crucial in this situation. 🤐

artorianscribe | artorianscribe

🚫 Delete her Instagram to protect yourself from potential harm. NTA. 😬

Ryuloulou | Ryuloulou

Encouraging NTA comment: Help sister get proper assistance 🤝

Kooky_Possession9483 | Kooky_Possession9483

Encourage therapy for sister's deep emotional issues. #NTA 💆‍♀️

CalmFront7908 | CalmFront7908

Protect yourself from identity theft online. Contact moderators to disable.

ZealousidealRead98 | ZealousidealRead98

Sibling jealousy taken to extreme, commenter supports OP. 👍

DrWhoop87 | DrWhoop87

Sister copying you to the extreme? Not the a**hole!

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sister's extreme copying is a cry for help. NTA.

tortiesrock | tortiesrock

Mysterious comment sparks confusion amongst readers 🤔

ShinyGoldFish | ShinyGoldFish

Confused and shocked reactions to a strange situation 🤔😲

No_Evidence_6613 | No_Evidence_6613

Sibling rivalry or something more? Therapy may be needed.

Corpsefeet | Corpsefeet

Suggest a reverse situation to make sister see her mistake 😬

farrieremily | farrieremily

Encourage therapy for sister, NTA handled it well 🧘

Imbalancedone | Imbalancedone

Protect yourself from your sister's toxic behavior. NTA 👏

Prestigious_Isopod72 | Prestigious_Isopod72

Setting boundaries when a sister copies you. 🚫

Status-Pattern7539 | Status-Pattern7539

A movie reference and a question - engaging NTAs.

handydandy2020 | handydandy2020

Commenter expresses concern for OP's safety in unsettling situation 🙏

EmpressLadyDi | EmpressLadyDi

Encouraging seeking help for copycat sister. 🤝

summer-of-1917 | summer-of-1917

Protecting your identity from a copycat sister. 🤔👯‍♀️

BroadElderberry | BroadElderberry

Absentee dad tries to control 18-year-old daughter's life 🙄

acadia171223 | acadia171223

Sibling jealousy escalates to extreme. NTA for setting boundaries.

homoscarfiens2 | homoscarfiens2

Encouraging response: NTA. Hope she gets the help she needs.

Intelligent_Stop5564 | Intelligent_Stop5564

Dealing with a copycat sister's mental health - NTA 👍

TonkaTruck502 | TonkaTruck502

Protect your identity and seek help for your sister-cousin-stalker 🙅‍♀️

digitalgraffiti-ca | digitalgraffiti-ca

Commenter suggests therapy for sister's issues, NTA.

loginorregister9 | loginorregister9

Sister's identity theft is alarming, NTA for being angry 😡

Betrayed_Orphan | Betrayed_Orphan

Unexpected reveal: the commenter might be the sister herself 🤪

Nikke967 | Nikke967

Sibling rivalry at its finest, but OP is NTA 🙌

StrawberryStrange575 | StrawberryStrange575

Your sister stole your identity and put you in danger 😱

holisarcasm | holisarcasm

Beware of the Single White Female copycat! NTA. 👍

Beck2010 | Beck2010

Supportive comment shuts down toxic behavior and absent father.

HeavyGogs | HeavyGogs

Sibling rivalry taken to extreme. Therapy could have helped. #NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Encouraging support for someone dealing with identity issues. ❤️

KaiaThorn | KaiaThorn

Sibling identity theft? NTA sets boundaries, recommends therapy and intervention.

ComSilence | ComSilence

Protect your identity online before it's too late! 🔒

hananobira | hananobira

Protect yourself by taking screenshots of her profile. NTA 🚩

HomeworkDry4850 | HomeworkDry4850

Sister's extreme copying requires serious therapy, NTA handled well 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sibling identity theft? NTA stands up to sister's behavior 🙅‍♀️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Sibling rivalry or identity theft? 🤔 NTA handled it well

Boring_Ad8168 | Boring_Ad8168

Sibling rivalry gone too far, sister needs professional help 🤕

I_Suggest_Therapy | I_Suggest_Therapy

Report her to Instagram, she needs therapy 📲💬

Brains4Beauty | Brains4Beauty

Protect yourself and your identity. NTA, but be careful. 🔒

Queen_Sized_Beauty | Queen_Sized_Beauty

Sister's extreme copying is borderline scary, get her help 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Using someone else's photo for catfishing is dangerous and unacceptable. Establish boundaries.

ThinkExplanation | ThinkExplanation

Protect yourself! Document and report your sister's impersonation. Stay safe. 🔒

[deleted] | [deleted]

Impersonating me? That's a new low. NTA.

Winter_Dragonfly_452 | Winter_Dragonfly_452

Commenter not the a**hole, no replies to discuss.

MiaW07 | MiaW07

Sister copies to extreme, needs therapy. #NTA

observendespise | observendespise

Sibling identity theft? NTA commenter suggests therapy for sister's insecurity.

Wyshunu | Wyshunu

Sibling rivalry at its finest. 👯‍♀️

Deep-purpleheart | Deep-purpleheart

Identity theft is not a joke Jim 😂 NTA

Aelfhelmer | Aelfhelmer

Suggest therapy and legal action to stop sister's extreme copying.

Forhasta | Forhasta

Protect yourself and block her on social media. NTA.

ComplexAd3298 | ComplexAd3298

Setting boundaries with a copycat sister, NTA 🚫👥💻

slytherclaws | slytherclaws

When imitation goes too far 😳

Sloblock777 | Sloblock777

🤪 When sibling rivalry goes too far

Watermelon_Buffalo | Watermelon_Buffalo

Encourage therapy for your sister's identity issues, but protect yourself.

esr95tkd | esr95tkd

🚨 Identity theft by a sibling? NTA for pressing charges. 🚨

Ahsoka88 | Ahsoka88

Sister copying identity? Give ultimatum: therapy or legal action 👀

[deleted] | [deleted]

Protect your identity from copycat sister. Report image theft 📷

Knittingfairy09113 | Knittingfairy09113

Encouraging NTA comment suggests sister needs help 🤔

Mooncuff | Mooncuff

Protect yourself from your sister's obsession. NTA.

NaturalThinker | NaturalThinker

When imitation goes too far... 🤷‍♀️

Eleniandthepups | Eleniandthepups

Encourage your sister to seek therapy for her unresolved trauma 💆

DocSternau | DocSternau

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