Man refuses to meet ex for closure

Michele Lang
man in black shirt
Unsplash | Vicky Hladynets

A man has refused to meet his ex-girlfriend for closure. The man has made his peace and is focusing on creating memories with his wife and family. His ex-girlfriend cheated on him with a friend before they split up. He went to therapy after the break-up and eventually met and married his wife. Now, his ex wants to meet to apologize and have closure, but the man has declined the invitation. His family and his ex-girlfriend's family are pressuring him to meet, but his wife is on his side. Read on to find out why the man believes he was an a**hole for telling his ex that she'll have to live without her closure.

Making peace with death and living life to the fullest.

temporaryaita9000 | temporaryaita9000

Overcoming heartbreak and cheating through therapy 💔🙏

temporaryaita9000 | temporaryaita9000

Moving on with love: Finding closure in a new partner ❤️

temporaryaita9000 | temporaryaita9000

Ex begs for closure, but he's not having it 😒

temporaryaita9000 | temporaryaita9000

Avoiding ex, causing family drama 🤷‍♂️

temporaryaita9000 | temporaryaita9000

Revisiting past with ex, painful memories and family opinions shared

temporaryaita9000 | temporaryaita9000

Moving on from ex, no closure needed 💔

temporaryaita9000 | temporaryaita9000

Moving on, no closure needed 👍

temporaryaita9000 | temporaryaita9000

Dealing with breakups and family pressure, tough situation 😔

temporaryaita9000 | temporaryaita9000

Refusing to meet ex for closure causes hurt and controversy.

temporaryaita9000 | temporaryaita9000

Wife defends man who refused closure; dad complicates breakup

temporaryaita9000 | temporaryaita9000

Closure denied: Man refuses to meet ex, leaving her in limbo

temporaryaita9000 | temporaryaita9000

Man with limited time refuses ex's offer of closure ❌

A man with limited time left on Earth has refused his ex's offer of closure. Despite his family's urging, the man has chosen to focus on spending his remaining time with his wife and family instead of opening up old wounds. He had previously made peace with his past and sees no benefit in seeing his ex again. However, his decision has caused tension within his family, with some believing he was insensitive in his rejection. His wife stands by him and has even confronted his father for making things more complicated for him. The man remains steadfast in his decision and hopes to make the most of his time with his loved ones. The situation has brought up the question of whether closure is always necessary, especially when it comes at the cost of one's mental and emotional well-being. Read on for reactions and opinions from others.

NTA. Ex wants closure for herself, not for OP. Selfish.

AliceandRabbit | AliceandRabbit

Supportive commenters wish OP the best and share similar sentiments. ❤️

RinoTheBouncer | RinoTheBouncer

NTA! Emotional maturity and support while facing mortality. 💙

kindersurpise | kindersurpise

Closure through therapy is the way 🙌

MelodyRaine | MelodyRaine

Closure denied to cheating ex - comment wins awards 🏆

elpatio6 | elpatio6

Ex's desire for closure is selfish and has nothing to do with caring. 🙄

dusktildawn9 | dusktildawn9

NTA. You don't owe her a damn thing. SHE owes you respect.

BellaSantiago1975 | BellaSantiago1975

Take back control of your life! NTA for refusing closure.

fuzzy_mic | fuzzy_mic

Ex refuses to meet for closure, commenter supports decision. 👍

CanadianJediCouncil | CanadianJediCouncil

Take control of your time, don't let your ex manipulate you 👊

TopJukesNA | TopJukesNA

Life is too short, NTA for refusing to meet ex 👍

Regular-Tell-108 | Regular-Tell-108

Closure denied: Bojack Horseman scene reminds commenter of ex encounter

Simsgirlgem1 | Simsgirlgem1

NTA. Closure shouldn't be conditional. She's being selfish and disrespectful. 💁‍♀️

SuspendedResolution | SuspendedResolution

Take control of your closure, ignore the guilt trip 🙅‍♂️

zeldasusername | zeldasusername

Cheating is never acceptable. You deserve closure and peace. ✌️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex's closure request is about her, not you. NTA 👍

usernaym44 | usernaym44

Closure denied: Brutally honest breakup message sparks support ❤️

COVID19WasteTime | COVID19WasteTime

NAH for not meeting ex for closure, but ex seeking amends.

FrostyArchon | FrostyArchon

Move on and forget about it 💔🚶‍♂️

whitebear2211 | whitebear2211

Accepting an apology can be tough, but NTA!

Gunthervonbrocken | Gunthervonbrocken

Stand your ground, you don't owe anyone closure 🙅

Brave-Cold3144 | Brave-Cold3144

Heartbreaking story of lost love and missed closure ❤️

lyricallycharmed | lyricallycharmed

Ex causing unnecessary grief, you're NTA for setting boundaries 🚫

Ninhursag23 | Ninhursag23

Ex seeking closure, but OP prioritizing mental health 🧘‍♂️

junkfile19 | junkfile19

Closure is overrated. This comment nails why 🙌

Angelkitty914 | Angelkitty914

Choosing closure is a personal decision. NTA 👏❤️

quiannazaetz | quiannazaetz

No closure? No problem! 🙅‍♂️ You're NTA!

PodcastoftheDragon | PodcastoftheDragon

Suggesting therapy for closure, NTA handled it well 💁‍♂️

[deleted] | [deleted]

Don't let her back in, you deserve better 💪

RollingKatamari | RollingKatamari

Exes are exes for a reason 💁‍♀️

RoseTyler38 | RoseTyler38

Closure is overrated. NTA for prioritizing your peace of mind 🙌

anonego7 | anonego7

Giving your ex closure is your choice. NTA 👍

LocalGrinch- | LocalGrinch-

Stand your ground and enjoy your last few months! 🎉

jamesko1989 | jamesko1989

Prioritize your happiness. NTA for refusing to meet ex.

Kruger_Smoothing | Kruger_Smoothing

Refusing closure request from ex on deathbed, NTA wins hearts ❤️

elephant-project | elephant-project

Bojack Horseman knows best - you don't owe closure. NTA 🐴

halfwayup1 | halfwayup1

Moving on and wishing the best. 💕

Late-Impact-9571 | Late-Impact-9571

No obligation to meet ex for closure - NTA 🚫💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Respectful closure, move on 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Move on, she's irrelevant! 🙌 Enjoy your life!

badboringusername | badboringusername

Ex apologizes only because he's dying, NTA. No funeral invite.

JBB2002902 | JBB2002902

Don't give in to your ex's grief porn. NTA 👍

Matelot67 | Matelot67

You owe her nothing, NTA. Don't let others change that 👍

RonitSarangi | RonitSarangi

Don't waste precious time on someone else's closure. 💔

africanwanderer | africanwanderer

Former partner's attempt at closure before death. NAH. 💔

Perelandrime | Perelandrime

Sleeping in the bed she made 🛌💤

The_Amoeba_King | The_Amoeba_King

Ex gets what she deserves, no closure needed 💪

PaoDePerigo | PaoDePerigo

Stand your ground! NTA and parents need to back off 🙅‍♂️

Draigdwi | Draigdwi

Commenter gets sidetracked by ex's hot screams 😂

Breadyterri | Breadyterri

Closure or ulterior motives? NTA chooses to move on 👍

Independent-Idea1278 | Independent-Idea1278

Ex wants closure but OP says they're NTA for refusing.

PsychoticSane | PsychoticSane

Ex seeks absolution, but OP owes her nothing. NTA ✨

seancurry1 | seancurry1

Declining an apology from a toxic ex is valid. NTA 🙅‍♀️

sphscl | sphscl

No apologies needed. NTA 👍

comalicious | comalicious

🚫 Refusing closure to a cheater - NTA

spaceburrito3 | spaceburrito3

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