Woman Finds Ex-Wife's Bracelet In Husband's Possession - Demands Its Return

Alfe Mercado
Unsplash | Samar Ahmad

A man takes his ex-wife's bracelet, and his current wife confronts him. She gives him an ultimatum to return it or she will tell his ex-wife. He begs her not to, but she refuses. She feels like the ex-wife should know she can't trust her daughter's father. The man threatens that it will ruin their relationship, but the woman stands by her word. What do you think? Is the woman being too harsh, or is she right to stand up for what she believes in?

A tangled web of exes and stolen jewelry.

anonymouslythrow7 | anonymouslythrow7

Husband's ex-wife diagnosed with cancer, woman sympathizes with her.

anonymouslythrow7 | anonymouslythrow7

Co-parenting struggles amidst health issues, shared custody, and emotional baggage.

anonymouslythrow7 | anonymouslythrow7

Suspicions arise as husband's odd behavior leads to hidden secrets

anonymouslythrow7 | anonymouslythrow7

Woman finds ex-wife's bracelet with a suspicious backstory 🤔

anonymouslythrow7 | anonymouslythrow7

Husband's betrayal exposed over ex-wife's bracelet 💍

anonymouslythrow7 | anonymouslythrow7

Demanding return of ex-wife's bracelet, threatens legal action 💍

anonymouslythrow7 | anonymouslythrow7

Ex-wife's bracelet found with husband, daughter's trust broken 😔

anonymouslythrow7 | anonymouslythrow7

Standing up for yourself or ruining a relationship? 🤔

anonymouslythrow7 | anonymouslythrow7

Woman finds ex-wife's bracelet in husband's possession

A woman has discovered her husband has been keeping his ex-wife's bracelet in their home. When confronted, he admitted to taking it from her bedroom without her knowledge. He claimed that she had given it to him to pass on to their daughter once she turns 20, but his wife did not believe him. She has given him one day to return the bracelet or else she will involve the authorities. The situation has put a strain on their relationship and the woman wonders if she is in the wrong. Read on to find out what others have to say about this complicated situation.

NTA. Your husband is a cold-hearted thief and liar. This is a red flag for your future together. Consider leaving.

PrincessBuzzkill | PrincessBuzzkill

NTA! Run far and fast! Trust is broken.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Commenters question OP's choices in marriage to deceitful husband 🤷‍♀️


Spouses stealing from cancer-stricken ex is not okay. NTA.

tkdwarriorprincess | tkdwarriorprincess

Return the bracelet immediately and reconsider the relationship. NTA 👍

onlytexts | onlytexts

Two decent women married a man who stole from cancer patient? 🤔

epostiler | epostiler

Choosing to stay with a partner who lacks empathy?

Veridical_Perception | Veridical_Perception

Heartbreaking comment and replies expose a common but despicable behavior 😔

ExhibitAlpha | ExhibitAlpha

🚨 Beware of red flags 🚨 NTA, but is it worth staying with a thief?

Broutythecat | Broutythecat

Ex-wife's bracelet leads to shocking discovery about husband 🤯

OrangeCubit | OrangeCubit

Trust broken - ex-wife's stolen bracelet reveals husband's true colors 💔

MultiFazed | MultiFazed

Partner steals from ex-wife with cancer, blames current partner.

loser_rat | loser_rat

Return the bracelet, but also consider if you want him.

del901 | del901

Woman finds ex-wife's bracelet in husband's possession - NTA

DancinginHyrule | DancinginHyrule

Ex-husband accused of stealing from cancer-stricken ex-wife 😠

warple-still | warple-still

Don't let him fool you, he's not the one. 🚩💔

KirinoLover | KirinoLover

Run! 🏃‍♀️ Your husband is a thief and NTA.

Background-Mechanic4 | Background-Mechanic4

Red flags abound. NTA commenter suggests leaving the ruinous husband.

Schnauzerbutt | Schnauzerbutt

Woman finds ex-wife's bracelet with current husband - Red flag 🚩

Krakengreyjoy | Krakengreyjoy

Woman discovers husband is a thief and a liar 😡

raineing13 | raineing13

Stealing from the ill and dying? That's a new low. #NTA 💍👎

havartna | havartna

Commenter advises divorce and calls husband a 'breed of s***' 💔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex-husband accused of being a jerk after cancer diagnosis.

TheSciFiGuy80 | TheSciFiGuy80

Commenter calls out OP's husband for stealing from cancer patient

[deleted] | [deleted]

Married a thief who left his cancer-stricken wife. Not surprised. 🤷‍♀️

Capable_Voice_5479 | Capable_Voice_5479

Take the advice and run! 💃 NTA, get out now.

countrybumpkin1969 | countrybumpkin1969

🚩 Red flags everywhere: woman questions why she's with selfish husband.

Rush_Electronic | Rush_Electronic

Commenter calls out OP's husband for past behavior and theft.

Ateosira | Ateosira

Beware of red flags! 🚩 Don't ignore the signs. #YTA

SuspiciousWeekend284 | SuspiciousWeekend284

Heartbreaking story of a husband's cruelty to his cancer-stricken ex-wife 💔

UncleSamsBxtch | UncleSamsBxtch

Partner bailed during illness, stole ex-wife's bracelet. 🤔

miasabine | miasabine

🚩 NTA. Concerning red flags in husband's behavior towards ex-wife's cancer.

TinyRascalSaurus | TinyRascalSaurus

Woman finds ex-wife's stolen bracelet with husband, calls him out 🔍

Bossladii86 | Bossladii86

A woman finds out about her husband's past, NTA

EvidenceRemote1425 | EvidenceRemote1425

Secure your future, keep the bracelet and move on. 💍

bunbun821 | bunbun821

Red flags everywhere! NTA, but run for the hills 💨👟

pinguthegreek | pinguthegreek

Supportive commenters console betrayed woman, give hope for future happiness ❤️

mynamecouldbesam | mynamecouldbesam

Woman finds ex-wife's bracelet with husband - He's a selfish A H.

FlowerNo4588 | FlowerNo4588

Encouraging response, but ominous mention of Nora's fate 😨

Penny_girl | Penny_girl

Stealing from ex-wife battling cancer? NTA demands return, leave him. 💔

Dr3adNyt3mar3 | Dr3adNyt3mar3

Heartbreaking story of theft from cancer patient by husband 😔

desert_red_head | desert_red_head

Demanding stolen bracelet's return from dying person's ex-husband 💪

mizfit0416 | mizfit0416

Beware of partners who disrespect their exes. NTA 🙅

_andys | _andys

Supportive comment warns of potential future mistreatment by husband 🚨

invomitous-rex | invomitous-rex

Supportive comment warns of potential red flags in relationship 👀

AbenaGH0209M3 | AbenaGH0209M3

Divorce seems like the only solution 💔🤔

canuck_2022 | canuck_2022

Husband's toxic behavior and criminal tendencies exposed. Stay strong OP! 👍

Reasonable-Bear-1374 | Reasonable-Bear-1374

Support for rightful owner, condemnation for thief and cheater 🤬

Happy-go-lucky123 | Happy-go-lucky123

Don't tolerate disrespect, you deserve better 🙅‍♀️💍

Necessary_Case815 | Necessary_Case815

👍 Not the a**hole. Ex-husband is horrid and in the wrong.

Valuable_Ad_742 | Valuable_Ad_742

Red flag alert: If he left his ex-wife during her cancer, run 🚩

contemplativepancake | contemplativepancake

Commenter sarcastically defends ex-husband's character, uses eye roll emoji.

grianmharduit | grianmharduit

Good for you standing up for his ill ex-wife 👏

oldcreaker | oldcreaker

Woman finds ex-wife's bracelet with husband who abandoned her for cancer. NTA.

NoFlight5759 | NoFlight5759

Devastating situation. Trust and honesty are critical in a relationship.

MyIronThrowaway | MyIronThrowaway

Take action and tell Nora before it's too late! ⚠️

AkatorSkullz6908 | AkatorSkullz6908

Ex-husband hoarding ex-wife's bracelet after refusing to pay cancer treatment 💍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Ex-husband steals from cancer-stricken ex-wife. Not the a**hole.

SilentNyxx | SilentNyxx

Commenter commends OP for being reasonable amidst concerning behavior 👍

RideTheWindForever | RideTheWindForever

Protect your jewelry and be honest with Nora about finding it 💍

iesharael | iesharael

Ex-husband's behavior is outrageous, NTA for demanding item back.

Clemfam05 | Clemfam05

Spotting red flags in a relationship 👁️

Nathy25 | Nathy25

Ex-wife's bracelet found with husband, woman demands return. NTA

Comfortable_Box_8798 | Comfortable_Box_8798

Red flags in husband's behavior? NTA demands ex-wife's bracelet back

kjbtetrick | kjbtetrick

Demanding justice for a dying woman's stolen bracelet 💔

PhoenixEcho1 | PhoenixEcho1

Commenter defends OP's judgement on ex-husband's actions. 🙌

seanwdragon1983 | seanwdragon1983

Leave him and run for the hills 👏🏼

annoyinwife | annoyinwife

Dump the husband, keep the moral compass. 💔

findthecircle | findthecircle

🚩 NTA: Ex-wife's bracelet found with husband - trouble ahead.

j0m1n1n | j0m1n1n

Would you stay with a partner who leaves during illness? 💔

glamourcrow | glamourcrow

Insensitive actions towards ex-wife receive rightful condemnation. NTA.

DraegarValyrian | DraegarValyrian