Teenage Girl Accused Of Lying About Not Knowing How To Play The Piano

Alfe Mercado
Unsplash | Ebuen Clemente Jr

When a teenager's aunt and uncle ask her to teach her younger cousin how to play the piano, she refuses, claiming she doesn't have the qualifications. But when they insist she teach the little girl the few songs she knows how to play, the teen snaps and calls them out for being hypocrites. She accuses them of pretending not to have enough money for lessons while splurging on expensive toys and vacations. The family is now at odds, with the teen refusing to apologize. But is she in the wrong? Read on to find out.

Musical prodigy or just lucky? Teen accused of lying about skills 🎹

tapiano | tapiano

Talented musician admits to playing the piano despite accusations.

tapiano | tapiano

Self-taught pianist fools family into thinking she's a prodigy 🎹

tapiano | tapiano

Frustration over privileged family refusing piano lessons for cousin 🎹

tapiano | tapiano

Surprise piano skills lead to accusations of selfishness 😒🎹

tapiano | tapiano

Facing accusations of piano-playing skills she doesn't have 🎹🤷‍♀️

tapiano | tapiano

Refusing to teach piano reveals family's financial hypocrisy 🎹💸

tapiano | tapiano

Appreciation for the community's response and engagement 🙏

tapiano | tapiano

Teenage girl called a liar for not teaching cousin piano 🎹

A young girl has been accused of lying about her piano-playing abilities after her aunt and uncle demanded she teach their daughter. Despite explaining that she had never taken a lesson and only knew a few songs from online tutorials, the family attacked her and called her a liar. The incident has caused a rift in the family, with the girl's parents insisting she apologize for standing up for herself. Many people online have come to the girl's defense, calling out the aunt and uncle for being hypocritical about their supposed lack of funds for lessons. The situation raises questions about the entitlement of some family members and the pressure to provide free services simply because of familial ties. The comments and reactions to this story have been mixed, with some sympathizing with the girl and others calling her disrespectful. What do you think?

NTA. Commenters share their own musical self-teaching experiences 🎶

Just-Here-to-Judge | Just-Here-to-Judge

NTA verdict for OP who refused to give free piano lessons.

bonniebluest | bonniebluest

Standing up to family can come at a cost. 🤐

Amour_fati | Amour_fati

Teaching piano for free? NTA but crazy, charge for it 💰🎹

dvof | dvof

Don't let entitled relatives guilt trip you into free labor 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA! Professional musicians explain the importance of proper technique and the risk of lifelong injuries. 🎶

WanderingWoodwind | WanderingWoodwind

Teaching family for free? No way! 🙈🎤

Cockatiel_Animations | Cockatiel_Animations

Standing up for yourself is not selfish, NTA! 🙌

diskebbin | diskebbin

Standing up for yourself like a boss! 👏 #NotTheA**hole

zippy_zaboo | zippy_zaboo

Parents accused of emotional abuse towards daughter's piano skills 🎹

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for yourself is always deserved 👏🏽

TheLoudCanadianGirl | TheLoudCanadianGirl

Self-taught musical prodigy stands up to entitled parents 🎹👏

Embarrassed-Bridge-8 | Embarrassed-Bridge-8

Sharing is caring! 🎹 NTA helps cousin with piano lessons.

Anni-Roc | Anni-Roc

Standing up to bullies, NTA explains the physical risks of piano.

Helpful_Shock_8358 | Helpful_Shock_8358

NTA, but it might be fun to bond with your cousin 😊

TwentyTwoEightyEight | TwentyTwoEightyEight

Certified pianist explains qualifications required to teach, supportive replies.

pokemontrainer-anna | pokemontrainer-anna

Natural talent vs. formal training 🎹🎶

cassidy1111111 | cassidy1111111

NTA for not teaching piano without formal training 🎹🚫

Jazzlike_Humor3340 | Jazzlike_Humor3340

Money can't buy class, but it can buy a piano 🎹

[deleted] | [deleted]

Teaching piano not your forte, NTA for refusing 🎹

Xrath02 | Xrath02

Teaching piano for profit 💰💻💵

MurderPotato1 | MurderPotato1

Misconceptions about musicians and tech experts debunked 💻🎶

DukeVonFluff | DukeVonFluff

Standing up for what's right 💪

Lavenderwillfixit | Lavenderwillfixit

A**holes all around! 🤬 ESH verdict reached.

boyboobz | boyboobz

Teaching someone to play piano can be frustrating 😩🎹

GaloisGroupie3474 | GaloisGroupie3474

Don't apologize, let the trash take itself out 💪🗑️

shaquilleoatmeal99 | shaquilleoatmeal99

A helpful NTA comment on giving free piano lessons 🎹

Featherymorons | Featherymorons

Middle class agrees piano lessons aren't expensive 💰🎹

sarabeara12345678910 | sarabeara12345678910

Setting healthy boundaries with toxic family, it's okay to say no 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Standing up for yourself against entitled family members 💪

SolomonCRand | SolomonCRand

NTA stands up to dick family members over piano skills 🎹👏

wetryagain | wetryagain

A self-taught musician explains why they don't give free lessons 😤🎵

mikeymo1741 | mikeymo1741

Supportive parenting wins! 🙌🏼❤️ NTA confirmed.

killdagrrrl | killdagrrrl

OP called out for contradicting post and seeking validation. 🤔

Throwaway17761976war | Throwaway17761976war

Unannounced visit, accusations, and name-calling? Not the a-hole here 🚪🙅‍♀️

mathhews95 | mathhews95

Standing up for yourself: a win against gaslighting tactics 🔥

pichukirby | pichukirby

Teach your cousin a lesson 🎼🎵 NTA

NotTheBeesAHHHH | NotTheBeesAHHHH

Money doesn't define people: a lesson for everyone ESH 💰🙅

Pi11r0113r | Pi11r0113r

Standing up for yourself without apologizing? 🤔🤷‍♀️ #NTA

mahyur | mahyur

Stand your ground and teach your cousins Chop Sticks 🎹👊

rugbymop | rugbymop

Breaking barriers: Learning piano for free with online tutorials 🎹🆓

Ruby_Riolu | Ruby_Riolu

Navigating entitled family members with a sincere non-backing down apology 💁‍♀️

thoughtfulspiky | thoughtfulspiky

Confident beginner musician asserts qualifications with humor 🎶🤣

Ocharinoz | Ocharinoz